In Church, I Draw Buzz Lightyear

**Edit** I realized today that these should count toward my goal of 365 Buzz Artworks. I have added the proper numbering below.

Sketching has always been a way to help me pay attention when someone is speaking, training or teaching. Now that I’m on the receiving end of the Sunday Sermon I’ve found that sketching on the iPad is just what the doctor ordered. So every Sunday service usually results in a new Buzz Lightyear drawing.

Here are the latest.

Buzz 251: Dark and Mysterious Buzz


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Ready For Ministry? Maybe Not.


Recently I have dared to dream about the possibility of returning to ministry… maybe even ministry to children… but I have so many restrictions for what that return looks like that I know I am still not ready.

I recently have been very tempted to jump into an opportunity that has opened up. It would be a Sunday-only, volunteer position with a limited commitment of only a few months. It seems perfect for where I am right now. The desire to do it is new and makes me wonder if I will one day return to full-time ministry. I could imagine myself doing Sunday services with the kids… even at my worst Sunday services were never really a problem. It’s all the other mess that would probably revert me into being a basket case.  Continue reading

What My Minecraft and Perler Bead Buzz Lightyears Turn Up

If you search “Minecraft Buzz Lightyear” some of the stuff that comes up was either made by me or copied from slash inspired by something I did. Enjoy all of the found examples below.

Thanks to all of the folks who have immortalized my stuff by doing your own versions! I’m honored.

First up,

Lego Minifig Buzz Pixel Art

From this blog on December 19th, 2010:

“In 2002 I was very into pixel art… and I really wanted a Buzz Lightyear Lego minifig. Alas there wasn’t such a thing until 2010. Here is what I imagined a Buzz Lightyear Minifig would look like.”

Buzz Lightyear Lego Minifig Pixel Art

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Not Everything Sucks

The last couple posts have been pretty heavy. They were written from a place of pain and reflected feelings that I have when I’m feeling really down. As is the nature with bipolarism I’m feeling sorta okay today. Played some Minecraft. Drew some logos. Actually, digitally painted a logo.


It’s not super great… but I like um. Not often I do a lot with painting digitally. It’s usually drawing shapes and text and shading and gradients and drop shadows.

So about not everything sucking…

I figured I’d write out some of the good things that have transpired since I quit my job as a Children’s Pastor.

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I’m Anxious, Not Angry. Sad, Not Sanctimonious


I really upset some people with my post yesterday. Some folks assumed I was referencing The Church: The Bride of Christ when I was critiquing American Church Culture. Others took it personally which I don’t understand. I’m writing from a place of pain and loss… not from judgement and condemnation. You’ve got to be in some place of authority to do that… and I’m far from it. I find it a little ridiculous that some people would respond in anger to a plea for acceptance and understanding.

Things will be written in this update that people won’t want to read. That’s because there is a side to depression that’s uglier than depression itself. It’s way society deals with it, the way the church deals with it, the way we deal with it… the way I’m dealing… and I’m going to talk about how all of that has affected myself and my family.

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Church Is Broken When It Comes To The Broken


It’s hard finding a church when church doesn’t want you.

Jenn and I have been visiting churches for the past few months now. The one we were at is great… but we worked there… and now we don’t… and it’s awkward and a little weird for everyone. So we’ve been looking for somewhere to take the kids and possibly be ministered to ourselves. It’s hard for several reasons. One, because we haven’t had to sit through regular church services for over 10 years. Two because as we were children’s pastors we’re pretty picky about what a church offers it’s kids… and we can see issues from a mile away. Thirdly, because church just doesn’t seem to be set up to accept, support and love broken people. And that’s what we are right now. Very broken people.

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Minecraft Skins I’ve Done

Lately in my free time I’ve been making Minecraft skins. It started when I wanted to update my old Buzz Lightyear player skin. Then I couldn’t find a good Tardis that I liked. Same with the Alien from Toy Story and Shaun from Shaun of the Dead. So I made my own. Feel free to download and use!

To download right click on the skin under each display picture and save.

Buzz Lightyear Minecraft Skin



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Equipment Suggestions For A Basic Podcasting Kit

Updated 8/17/2020

Today I had a friend send me a Facebook message that linked to a Behringer Podcasting Kit mentioning that he was interested in possibly getting into podcasting. He wanted to know if the kit would meet all of his needs. I found that though you could podcast with it… it’s not what I would suggest to someone just starting out.

I did some research and put together what I consider to be the best and cheapest setup or kit for podcasting. I put so much work into it that I thought I’d turn it into a post and share it here on the NLCast website.

There are cheaper kits out there… but if you go this route your sound quality will rival any podcast out there. Plus, if you go cheap, you’ll just end up replacing everything anyway spending more money in the long run.

Disclaimer: Every link on this page is an affiliate link. This is great equipment at a great price. You don’t pay any extra to use the links and I get 4%. Thanks!

About The Podcasting Kit On Amazon

That package is almost good. But it assumes you want to record to your PC/Mac… NO! Recording to a computer is horrible. It requires so much from the computer and so crashing, sound dips, and more are the natural result.

My Podcasting Kit Suggestions

Recording: A few years back I found a wonderful solution that simplified my recording exponentially: Recording to a Zoom H2 handheld recorder. You can still get them… but the new Zoom H2n with Accessory Kit looks a lot better and currently runs $169.99.

Mixer: If you will be solo casting the little mixer in the kit is fine. It’s probably a Behringer Xenyx 502. It’s currently $44.99. If you will be recording with someone else in the same room you’ll need more inputs. That would be the Mackie Mix Series, 8-Channel Compact Mixer – $89.99. This mixer also has an Aux channel which you’ll need if you bring in guests over Skype.

Headphones: Behringer HPS3000 – $18.99. Don’t use ear buds! You’ll hear yourself in your head when you try to talk. Get studio headphones that cover your ears.

Mic Stand: Get a desktop mic stand – $12.95. You need this to hold your mic quietly and to clip your pop filter on. Hint: Put it on a folded towel to keep desk noises from traveling up the stand into the mic.

XLR Cable: You’ll need one 6′ XLR cable per mic – $7.47.

Pop (or Plosive) Filter:Pop Filter will keep the sound from clipping when you’re saying P’s and S’s – $19.99.

Mic: I’d go with a Sure SM58 – $99. There are cheaper mics (and more expensive), but this is the one you need just starting out. Good sound starts with a good mic.

Memory Card: Transcend 8 GB Class 10 SDHC – $10. You can transfer sound from the recorder via USB, but it’s slow. Being able to pop out the SD card and putting it directly in the computer means a faster wav file transfer.

Music & Sound Effects: One thing your computer IS good for is playing intros, outtros, background music and stingers (sound effects). You need a stereo RCA to 1/4″ cable for that. Goes from the PC to the mixer’s stereo inputs – $7.16.

Stereo Cable From Mixer To Recorder: You need the sound from your mixer to get to your recorder. This Hosa CMP159 3′ Cable will do ya. Alternatively you can use another RCA to 1/4″ cable along with 2 RCA to 1/4″ adapters.

Audio Editing Software: Once you’re done recording you’ll transfer your WAV file to your computer. You can edit the file for free using Audacity – Free

Media Hosting: You’ll need a great place to store your files. Regular web hosting will not handle dozens of 50MB mp3 files being downloaded constantly. offers plans that start at $5 a month. No bandwidth restrictions. I’ve used them for years. They are the standard for media hosting.

Web hosting: You’ll need a website for your podcast. offers cheap hosting solutions. You can install WordPress automatically for free and with PowerPress, Blubrry’s podcasting plugin you’ll be able to easily publish your mp3 files. The plugin generates the RSS feed you’ll need to submit your show to iTunes. If you can’t afford web hosting you can use the free website that Libsyn generates for you when you start your account with them.

If you need help on setting up your podcast equipment check out How I Podcast.

So There You Have It

Those are my equipment suggestions for a basic podcasting kit. It’s not what I use… but it’s what I would have suggested to myself if I could go back in time to 2006 and tell myself what to buy. I would have saved myself a lot of trouble. I would also try to convince myself to not gain any additional weight.

Podcasters: What equipment do you suggest to folks when they ask about starting up a podcast?

My Creepiest Buzz Lightyear Ever


The other day I had a friend in my home office looking around at my Buzz collection. She asked, “What’s your creepiest Buzz?” And it took me a little while to actually think of it. Mexican Buzz is a little off, but not creepy. “Stars and Stripes” Buzz is weird, but not creepy. Then my eyes fell upon a bit of paper laying on a box of collectibles… and I knew I had found the single most creepy item in my Buzz Lightyear collection.

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