As you can see my daughter Jenna is back to help me show off some, if not all, of my Buzz Lightyear books. Aren’t you glad I’m grouping some of these things together? Would be pretty boring reading about one book a day.
Tag Archives: toy story
Buzz Costume and A Giant Purple Head, Cooler Than They Sound
Today my son J is helping me display a couple of Halloween related items. We’ve got a Buzz Head Treat Bucket and a Buzz Lightyear Costume.
Buzz Lightyear Disney Pins Are Sharp!
Disney pins are fun! I don’t really do the whole pin collecting thing with the lanyards and the trading… but unless you’ve been to a Disney park you don’t know about that anyway.
But it looks like this:

It looks fun!
Buzz Lightyear Umbrella and Jenna
Before you today is my kid-sized Buzz Lightyear Umbrella. Before you is also my first-born daughter, Jenna. It was raining today so we decided it would be fun to shoot it outside.
This umbrella is a very important part of my Buzz Lightyear collection. It is easily the best thing I own. There are only a few things I hold more dear than this umbrella. One would be…
This Exists: “Stars & Stripes” Buzz Lightyear
In the “What Were They Thinking” category of Buzz Lightyear products… this one takes the cake. A star-spangled monstrosity called the “Stars & Stripes” Buzz Lightyear.
Buzz Stuff I Don’t Own, Part 2
It’s time again to delve into the limits of my extensive and ever expanding Buzz collection and mention a few items I don’t own.
Remember, if I don’t have it it’s because (1) I Do Not Want It, (2) It’s Too Expensive, (3) I Can’t Buy It, or (4) I Just Haven’t Bought It Yet.
Jiggle Beans – Buzz & Zurg
Jiggle Beans
Possibly the best name for a product ever conceived. But isn’t the word “Jiggle” usually reserved for Jello and lady parts? Yes. But we’re Disney so we’ll do whatever the Fairy Godmother we want! We’re slapping that moniker on our new product and that product is for children!
Buzz Cups & Mugs
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “I’m more interested in that Back to the Future Blu-ray than I am these Buzz cups” and that’s a darn shame.
You’re about to learn more about cups than you ever thought possible.
First, a quiz.
Buzz Lightyear Bubbles
Today we have bubbles… or at least things that make bubbles. One in the bath the other in the air. Why does that sound so wrong?
To the left is a bottle of traditional “blow through a textured hole on a stick” bubbles. Buzz stands atop the lid looking off into the distance surely wondering why I didn’t dust it before I shot the picture.
Buzz Lightyear Cakes: Part 1 – Bursting
In my online travels I’ve come across several Buzz Lightyear cakes. I thought it would be cool to feature some of them in a post. To my surprise there are many more Buzz Lightyear cakes out there than I ever thought possible. More than I expected, and more than I will end up featuring here. But, instead of one post, there are more than enough for at least 4-5 posts.
I’ve grouped them into categories. Today’s category is what we’ll call “Bursting” because apparently a popular feature of custom Buzz cakes is to have him bursting out of the top of the cake itself.