Today my son J is helping me display a couple of Halloween related items. We’ve got a Buzz Head Treat Bucket and a Buzz Lightyear Costume.
Buzz Costume and A Giant Purple Head, Cooler Than They Sound
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Today my son J is helping me display a couple of Halloween related items. We’ve got a Buzz Head Treat Bucket and a Buzz Lightyear Costume.
So yeah. I have a Buzz Lightyear dog costume. I bought it with no dog at home. With no intention of ever owning a dog that would ever fit it (note that the costume size is Large). I’ve had it for at least 10 years… and that dog on the front never ceases to entertain me.
A few years back I discovered and the wonderful Halloween episodes they put out with all of the characters in costume. I did a whole series of my own costumes for Homestar. Homestar as Buzz Lightyear was the first I churned out.