Category Archives: Buzz Collection

Buzz Lightyear Candy Collectibles


Today we have a collection of candy related items I’ve collected over the years. From left to right: a netted bag of chocolate coins (that if eaten would surely put you in the hospital); a candy camera that contains candy (also would put you in a hospital); two tins of red hots (probably still good but older than my kids who are 8 and 5); and a spin pop that doesn’t spin (lollipop probably still edible but you go first).

Not much to say about the chocolate coins. They’re foil wrapped and each has an image from one of the Toy Story movies. The coins inside appear (through the wrapper) to be flat discs, not embossed with any sort of image in the chocolate itself. The website says that chocolate lasts between 2-4 months. It’s been between 8-12 years since I bought them. Safe to say they’re better looking on the outside.

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Giant Lego Minifig Buzz Lightyear Clock


I wasn’t planning on posting Giant Lego Minifig Buzz Clock today… but apparently had him for sale and several of my online friends wanted to make sure I saw it. Fear not online friends! For I already have him!

For posterity.

For posterity.

I think I got him off and defiantly paid full price unlike the half-off that kids.woot was offering.

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Buzz Lightyear Cosmic Water Bottle Holder


I’m very excited to be sharing this item with you today. This may be the single weirdest Buzz Lightyear item I have ever seen or owned. Even after all these years I just don’t get why a Buzz Lightyear water bottle holder was ever made.

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Buzz Lightyear Mouse and Mouse Pad


Of all of the items I’ve shared so far this is the most recent addition… That’s right folks… a Buzz Lightyear shaped PS2 trackball Mouse still in the box from 19Godknowswhen. I picked it up on Ebay for $10. I remember back when they were new, but I was in my ‘use it’ phase and couldn’t imagine what kind of hand cramps I’d get trying to compute with that thing. It’s not the most ergonomic design in the world. I would defiantly classify this as one of my more unique and outright odd collectibles. Continue reading

Let’s Get A Few Things Straight About Buzz Lightyear


Do you like Buzz Lightyear? Check out over 259 pieces of Buzz Lightyear Fan Art I’ve done. See some of my Buzz Lightyear Collection!

I have some core beliefs about Buzz Lightyear that I would like to share with you. You may not agree with my views. You may find these views controversial, hateful, and possibly trivial, but they are the Truth. There is a real Buzz Lightyear and a false one.

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Cereal & Kid’s Meal Prize Buzz Lightyears

Cereal & Fast Food Prize Buzz Lightyears

If today’s group of Buzzes were a food group you would place them firmly in the Junk Food group. Sugared cereals and Fast food are known for their cheap attempts at attracting the elementary set by offering trinkets and toys. I believe I have something from every Disney/Pixar promotion of this type ever done.

From left to right we have a Little Green Man (LGM) mini bobble head from Kellog’s, a Buzz “Puppet” from Burger King, a small plush beanie Buzz from Kellog’s, another mini bobblehead cept it’s Buzz, and a Toy Story flip book from Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Continue reading

Toy Story Computer Games


I’ve got three different officially licensed Toy Story video games here. From left to right: Toy Story Animated Story Book, Toy Story Power Play and Toy Story 2 Action Game.

I got the left two, the ones still shrink wrapped, from a toy store in Kansas City that I happened upon that was selling tons of different toys for 40-50% off. My Buzz collection benefited greatly on that night as you’ll see with other items that will be featured later on.

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Buzz & Woody Soap

Buzz & Woody Soap Set

Though I don’t remember which, I received this item as a gift from my sister on one of my birthdays at least 10 years ago. If not more.

I was still a gatherer and user of Buzz Lightyear rather than a real collector back then. I was torn when I opened it. Would I use it or keep it? It bothered me enough that I didn’t like it for a while.

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Buzz Lightyear Food Collection

Buzz Food Items

I’ll be the first to admit… this is probably kind of gross. Especially considering the expiration dates on these are between 2002 & 2003. The only one still edible is the Campbell’s Fun Shapes. Though it were canned in 2002 they don’t go bad till 2105! The cereal and fun snacks seem fine… it’s the Pop Tarts that really feel nasty. Mostly because they’re so heavy and you can feel them shift around inside the box. They were purple and green to start with! I can’t imagine what they look like now.

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Buzz Lightyear CD Wallet

Buzz Lightyear CD Wallet

First off let me say that I really, really wish I could post these items in the order that I acquired them. There’s a crazy little part of my brain that is freaking out that I’ll just have to post them randomly. I also would like to be able to have a story for every item… and until now I thought I knew where every one of them came from… but I don’t remember. So you get what you get.

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