Giant Lego Minifig Buzz Lightyear Clock


I wasn’t planning on posting Giant Lego Minifig Buzz Clock today… but apparently had him for sale and several of my online friends wanted to make sure I saw it. Fear not online friends! For I already have him!

For posterity.

For posterity.

I think I got him off and defiantly paid full price unlike the half-off that kids.woot was offering.

He’s awesome, though I don’t use him as an alarm clock. I prefer to think of him simply as a giant minifig. He displays very well on my home office shelf.

But since he is a clock I will mention that my favorite feature of the Buzz clock in particular is that the snooze bar is actually the glass (plastic) dome over his head. Even the back “stud” is a button that does something.


It’s a full featured clock though. The face even lights up when you put batteries in.

I remember being floored when I found him online. I had owned a Darth Vader one for a while and never thought that they would make any Disney characters. It was a good find… and he looks exactly like the original.


So thanks again Internet friends! Do not be discouraged! I appreciate you looking out for me and will kindly ask that you continue. Because though I cannot own all of the Buzz stuff… I would like to try.

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