Buzz Books Keep You Busy Reading For Infinity


As you can see my daughter Jenna is back to help me show off some, if not all, of my Buzz Lightyear books. Aren’t you glad I’m grouping some of these things together? Would be pretty boring reading about one book a day.

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Man Who Builds Swords Builds Sword of Omens (Thundercats)

Man At Arms builds swords. He records the process and uploads it to YouTube. I’ve worked with a lot of mediums… but metal will never be one of them. But watching this guy work makes me with I could. I’d probably burn, grind or just plain cut off my fingers within the first five minutes.


Buzz Lightyear Umbrella and Jenna


Before you today is my kid-sized Buzz Lightyear Umbrella. Before you is also my first-born daughter, Jenna. It was raining today so we decided it would be fun to shoot it outside.

This umbrella is a very important part of my Buzz Lightyear collection. It is easily the best thing I own. There are only a few things I hold more dear than this umbrella. One would be…

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