Tag Archives: Buzz Collection

Buzz 126 – “Pencil Vs Camera” Buzz

I was greatly inspired by the work of Ben Heine known as Pencil Vs Camera or Drawing Vs Photography. I did my own version. Of course it’s not a real photograph… but being that I’m doing a daily Buzz I started with a stock Toy Story 3 image and added my own work on top.

This Buzz says, “I have a fork for an arm!!!”

Buzz 125 – Dali Buzz

Here in my city we have the second largest Dali museum in the world. I know right? Jealous much? Actually it is pretty awesome. My wife and I toured it last month and though not ever piece of the over 1000 works spoke to me… there are several enormous pieces that are absolutely out of this world. One of my favorite has got to be his Lincoln. NOT because there’s a naked lady either… but because this dude was doing pixel art before there was pixel art! Genius.

This Buzz says, “My back hurts!” or “I’m melllltttttiiiinnnggggg!”

Click below to see it slightly larger:

Buzz 123 – Lego Mech Buzz

I purchased the official Lego Buzz Lightyear and put him together. I wasn’t crazy about the finished product…. so I took his giant head off his shoulders and placed a Buzz Lightyear minifig in it’s place. Instantly I had turned a so-so Lego Buzz into an awesome Buzz Mech Suit!

This Buzz says, “With Mech Woody and Mech Slink webecome Mega Mech Zoid Utra Anti-Zurg Zuper!”


Buzz 122 – Scribble Buzz

I drew this on my iPad today during staff meeting. I hope my boss doesn’t think I’m not paying attention. I feel like I’m actually more engaged with something keeping my creative side busy than I would be otherwise. I really made a point to draw without feeling the need to stay in the lines. If I needed a “line” I would just focus on that area with more scribbles.

This Buzz says, “Time to get the clippers out on those eyebrows.”

Click to see him bigger:

Buzz 120 – 5 Minutes of Sketching Buzz

I gave myself 5 minutes to see how many Buzz Lightyear variations I could come up with… here are the results (from top left to bottom right):

  • Bert Buzz
  • Bill Buzz
  • Bob Buzz
  • Buzz Buzz
  • Bank Buzz
  • Baseball Buzz
  • Bakugan Buzz
  • Barker Buzz
  • Beiber Buzz
  • Burger Buzz
  • Biting Buzz
  • Bacon Buzz and
  • Broken Buzz

These Buzzes say, “Why not a Booty Buzz?”


Buzz 119 – Dripped Paint Buzz

This Buzz was created by dripping paint from Apple Barrel brand craft paint onto a paper plate. He looked really good at first but then he started to… change. If you’ll look closely you’ll see that all the parts are there… they’re just not where they belong. It was an experiment… a failed one.

This Buzz says, “Yes Master. I’ll get the brainzzzz. Yesss Master!” or “The look in my face let’s you know that I can actually feel how distorted I am.”