Bible Stuff: So You Need Wisdom?


If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won’t correct you for asking. James 1:5 CEV

I like the book of James. It’s not just that we share the same name… we see the working out of our faith very similarly.

Our verse today finds itself in the very first portion of the very first chapter of James. It is a part of the introduction to a letter. The verse also lays out one of the main themes of the book: Wisdom. In our verse James instructs the church that if they need wisdom, God is the one to ask. Sounds simple, and it is, but we’re due a little digging. Continue reading

Bible Stuff: God Cannot Be Mocked?



Today’s Verse

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh,from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7-8 (NIV)

God Cannot Be Mocked?

The first part of Galatians 6:7  sounds so hard and mighty. I can’t read it without hearing a thundering preacher in my head. “GOD CANNOT BE MOCKED!” Then the voice trails off with threats about how God will destroy us all or something just as horrible. Out of context this seems like a lie. God can be mocked. So I had to address this issue first, for my own sake if anything. Continue reading

9 Important Things To Consider When Using A Puppet To Teach Verses


Using a puppet or live character to help teach the verse to children is in no way a new concept. My first experience was seeing Willie George trying to get Uugene to learn a verse. I would cackle my head off at his mistakes. It’s rare not to see a traveling kids evangelist use a puppet or live character helping with verses or main points of the lesson. Why is it so popular? Because it works.

I was emailed recently about a puppet character I had performed while speaking for the AG Southern Missouri Kids Camp in 2012 called “Super Star”. He was a hit with the kids and the adult leaders. The email was from a pastor who wanted to start a similar thing in their own service and wanted to know if I had any advice. I realized that I had never written anything on the subject. Below are the results of answering that question. Continue reading

Bible Stuff: The Lord Will Allow More Than You Can Handle!


I saw a comic strip today on Facebook. A little boy is standing before his bedraggled mom and apparently has some bad news. The caption reads, “Before I tell you what happened, Mom, remember… the Lord will never give you more than you can handle.”


Har har. It’s rare I find stuff like this funny. And though it was drawn well, the joke definitely goes in the “Christian Cheese” category (which I’m sure I will write about at a later date). I mention it because the caption is an example of a concept that many Christians believe but is completely untrue. Many believe that God will not allow any circumstances to come along that we can’t handle. I’ve heard people quote it. I’ve heard Pastors reference it from the pulpit. Continue reading

Bible Stuff – We’re Not Meant To Judge Others


Read 2 Corinthians 5:16 below. I’ve included various versions. Read them all if you like. They all say pretty much the same thing, but reading them all gives you a better understanding of the original text since each is translated in a slightly different way. I actually encourage you to read the entire chapter. It’s easier to understand a single verse when you know the context.

16 Therefore from now on we recognize no one [f]according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. (NASB)

16 So from now on we don’t look at anyone the way the world does. At one time we looked at Christ in that way. But we don’t anymore. (NIRV)

16 We are careful not to judge people by what they seem to be, though we once judged Christ in that way. (CEV)

16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. (NKJV)

Chapter 16 starts out by talking about the human body.

Basically defining it as a tent that we live in while we’re on earth. It’s a home that we will one day leave for our eternal home. Our bodies keep us from eternity for now, but in the mean time it is also tool God has given us to please Him and we will one day be judged for the deeds that body does, good or bad.

So our bodies are apparently in existence to help our Spirit get things done. In a way the text is minimizing the importance and usefulness of the body (can be destroyed, keeps us from Heaven) but then points out it’s usefulness in obeying and pleasing God.

Our bodies are how we outwardly express our devotion to God and God’s devotion to others. How many of us think of our bodies in that way? I just think about how fat my body is most of the time. It’s how I enjoy my movies, video games. It’s how I drive around, hug my kids, type out blog posts. But although our bodies are limited, in usefulness and duration, we are to use it in ways that will be judged as good. Just like anything God has given us, we are accountable to Him for how we’ve made use of it. Boy am I in trouble. I have a lot of explaining to do for what was going on between ages 14 and 16.  Continue reading

Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Are Not Spiritual Issues


Major depressive disorder and Anxiety are not Spiritual Issues. They are mental issues. Depression and Anxiety are no more spiritual issues than a broken leg is. Do you know how I know this? Because honestly prayer, activities, church, ministry, life changes, attempts to flush out sin, none of those things improved my depression and anxiety. Medication did. Medication that alters the chemicals in my brain so that it functions as it should. If it were a spiritual issue… would medication work? I would say no. I am not aware of any spiritual issue that medication has any effect on.

It makes me nuts that someone can have cancer and we’re 100% supportive. No one in the church would ever dream of accusing them of being out of the Will of God or in a situation where they need more faith. But those who struggle with depression in our more traditional or ignorant churches find themselves inundated with input that is not only completely unhelpful, it actually compounds the problem. Continue reading

Thoughts On Amos Chapter 5:14-15, Part 2


This is a continuation of commentary on Amos 5:14-15. So read the first part first. This is the second part.

“Choose good instead of evil! See that justice is done.”

Good and evil. I immediately think of the evil villain tying the damsel to the railroad tracks. A few thoughts later and I’m thinking of those who kidnap, those traffic human beings, those who murder, steal and those who judge others. There are also the evils of child abuse, spouse abuse, self-abuse through the use of drugs and excess alcohol, gossiping, and countless others. Followers of Christ enjoy a little perk we call grace. Since early Christianity we have rested easy knowing that our sins are forgiven and our place in heaven is secure. And though that place is secure, we must not take advantage of that grace. Continue reading

Thoughts On Amos Chapter 5:14-15, Part 1


Amos 5:14-15 
If you really want to live, you must stop doing wrong and start doing right.
I, the Lord God All-Powerful, will then be on your side, just as you claim I am.
Choose good instead of evil! See that justice is done.
Maybe I, the Lord All-Powerful, will be kind to what’s left of your people.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Skip this first paragraph

I am no bible scholar… but I do think hard about the biblical text that I read. I try to see it in it’s original context. That means that I try to understand what it meant to the people it was written to in the time period it was written. This is complicated exponentially by the fact that I know very little about the people or time period in question. So rather than claiming to know the exact original context, I will simply claim one thing: Continue reading

Life Update – December 2013


I haven’t written a life update for quite a while. Probably because when you’re feeling better after an extended bout with crippling depression and anxiety you would rather be doing stuff you couldn’t do before rather than talking about it.

But that being said, I am doing better. So, so, so much better. Not all the way better… but closer to normal than I’ve been in quite a while.

Continue reading

Christmas Stories That I Have Written And Illustrated

Between 2009 and 2011 I wrote three different Christmas stories for an annual Christmas Eve service.

The Very Last Room, by James Kennison

The first one, The Very Last Room was (and is) by far the most popular. It’s the Nativity story told from the viewpoint of a child in the family who happened to take the very last room in Bethlehem. The theme of the story is simple: Jesus must be welcomed into our lives. We must make room.


The Birthday Story, by James Kennison

The second story is another alternate perspective take on the Nativity. This time we’re hearing about Jesus’ very first birthday from Mary herself, as told from mother to her 6 year-old son. The Birthday Story is apparently an annual ritual that little Jesus looks forward to each year. It’s cute and has some humor but the end is bittersweet as Mary unknowingly refers to Jesus’ future Crucifixion, believing that he would be made a great King one day(as many did). The concept is based on Luke 2:19 where it is mentioned that Mary kept the things that happen to her little son close to her heart… as any mother would.

The Christmas Repair Service, by James Kennison

The third and last story I’ve written is what I’ll call a Christmas Fable. The story revolves around a young man with several bad attitudes that many children have around Christmas time. He is self-centered, jealous, angry, disobedient and has a lack of self-control. All of these attitudes lead to actions that threaten to not only ruin Christmas for Billy… but for his entire family. Thankfully The Christmas Repair Service shows up at the doorstep to save the day. With each repair one of Billy’s character flaws is also corrected. Children who hear this story will be reminded to put others first, parents make rules to protect us, and that we must let Jesus change us because you can’t fix yourself!

Though I have not published any of these stories, I have made them available via PDF and PowerPoint. Folks use them for Christmas Eve church services. High quality video downloads along with the PDF and PowerPoint are available on my Etsy page.

People have mentioned that I should get these published into books. This is not possible at this time due to the cost, but if anyone is interested in making something like that happen… feel free to contact me.