Grateful Kid Theme Song

I wrote the lyrics, purchased the music, and my friend Kevin Brown performed the song.

Grateful Kid Theme Song

I love half-days at school
swimming in a pool
staying up late, birthday cake
that my folks still love me when I make a mistake

Going to the beach, playing outside,
Going on vacation or a piggy-back ride
Running through the sprinkler in the front yard
Doing something tough that I thought was too hard.

These are things, these and so much more,
These are the things, I’m grateful for.
I wanted to say, in case I didn’t before
These are the things, I’m grateful for.

Riding my bike, the first day of school
teacher workdays and the last day too
Hugging my folks, my pets, and yet
still having hugs left for my grandparents

Really good dreams and Food and drinks
Playing dress-up or going to the beach
TV shows, my favorite colors
Getting good grades and my sisters and brothers

My life is so blessed, sometimes I forget
That none of these things happen on accident
Those who love me, they make these things happen.
That is why you and I shouldn’t take it all for granted.

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