Monthly Archives: June 2011

Buzz 182 – Polymer Clay Buzz

<img src=””>I’ve done a clay Buzz before. I’ve even used polymer clay before. Today I wanted to make a full polymer clay Buzz figure… but as small as I could.

This Buzz says, “I look angry, but that’s only because I’m so little… and angry.”

See just how small he is after the jump. Continue reading

Buzz 180 – Alternate Toy Story Movie Poster

If you look at Toy Story from a slightly different angle… it’s a story about a bunch of horrible things that happen to a very kind and helpful Space Ranger. He’s thrown out a window, taken to a toy terrorist’s house, his arm pops off, then he’s nearly blown to bits. I hope this retro-style alternative movie poster does him justice.

This Buzz says, “I also get dressed like a lady.”

Buzz 173 – QR Code Buzz Two

A while back I did QR Code Buzz and promised that there was a secret Buzz hidden inside (aside from the obvious Buzz face in the center of the code). Many of you reported that your scanners weren’t interpreting it correctly or that you didn’t have the means. So today’s Buzz shows what I intended for you to see. Enjoy.

This Buzz says, “Finally! It was starting to smell in there.”