Monthly Archives: March 2011

Buzz 100 – Cup Buzz Preview

Regular visitors to this site will no doubt be familiar with my “Solo Flight” cups in a fence project that I’ve been planning. Part of that process was raising funds to purchase the cups. Thanks to your help that part is done! So thanks! Next, before I committed the project to completion I wanted to mock-up using perler beads. I’m glad I did, got to perfect a couple of things.

We’re still looking for the perfect fence. I’m eyeing a soccer field that can be seen from the highway and a local elementary school who already uses cups in their fence to get out short announcements to parents. We’ll see.

This Buzz says, “It looks like I only have on leg!”

Oh, and by the way, this is Buzz 100… so say congratulations to me or something. Only 265 more to go!

Buzz 098 – Nesbitt No More

This is a little tribute to one of my favorite scenes in Toy Story 1… the tea party in Sid’s sister’s room. Buzz is missing an arm and sucking down Darjeeling with Marie Antoinette and her sister… and he’s not doing very well. Only a slap in the face with his own dismembered arm begins to bring him back to reality. Eventually the outfit he donned for the occasion is left behind and onward to adventure.

If you think about it… this is the first Buzz Lightyear tribute art that doesn’t actually feature Buzz Lightyear.

This Buzz says, “Tell me the hat looked good!”

Buzz 097 – Secret Cloud Formation Buzz

I’ve been busy painting a pre-school room at church. I was painting clouds yesterday and figured I’d make my secretive mark. You’ll have to use a bit of imagination on this one. If you can’t see it, just remember how Buzz looks with his hands on his hips and one foot to the side. I love that 900% of the people who go through this room will never notice him.

This Buzz says, “I can see clearly now the rain is gone…”

Buzz 095 – Crayon Carving Buzz

I carved this with an X-Acto knife and one of my kid’s crayons. I was inspired by the Crayon Totem Sculptures by Diem Chau. Hers are a lot better than mine… but it turned out better than I thought it would. If I ever did it again I’d like to have a good magnifying glass and some smaller tools.

This Buzz says, “I resemble a Jack-in-the-Box… and Beyond!”

Buzz 092 – Tiny Coffee Cup Buzz Lightyear

This Buzz was crafted from 1.25 fl oz styrofoam coffee cups. They’re tiny little things. I had the idea because upside down one of them reminded me of Buzz’s leg cuff. After several hours of cutting and gluing… I’m not sure this was time well spent. I don’t know what I was hoping for… but I’m not sure this was it. I colored him using permanent markers.

This Buzz says, “Because I’m not biodegradable… I’ll be around for infinity… and beyond.”