This is a butt-old Buzz Lightyear lollipop.
I’m not gonna lie… it looks about as eatable as a urinal cake. Be that as it may I will keep him until my dying day (and beyond). That’s because when I look at this morbid visage of Buzz Lightyear with his sickly looking face and his happy but browning alien friend… I see the day it showed up on my desk next to a giftbag full of goodies from the best Administrative Assistant in the whole world! Jan knew how to give Buzz Lightyear gifts… unlike some people. Not only would you get a bag full of goodies, Jan would make you a punch bowl cake. It’s like a bunch of layers of cake, pudding, cake, goodness, cake and awesomeness. She would always include a card that had little sprinkles in them. Half the time I would forget and they’d fall out all over my lap. Jan was more than an admin… she was like a second mom.
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