Tag Archives: Buzz Collection

Buzz 084 – Facebook Profile Picture Buzz Lightyear

I love the parodies on the default facebook profile picture that are out there. I figured some of us might want to see a Buzz Lightyear silhouette. So here it is.

This Buzz says, “Do you play Farmville? Frontierville? I play Awesesomeville!”

Note: I actually set this as my own facebook profile image. Friend me if you want.

Buzz 082 – Mr. Men Buzz Lightyear

Remember the Mr. Men and Little Miss books? Yeah, I hardly do either. I remember there was a happy one… a messy one… probably a lazy one. I think I remember the Letter People more than I remember these guys… but anyway. Here’s a Buzz Lightyear drawn in the style of a Mr. Man character.

I would be amiss if I did not mention my inspiration for this one was from Seven Hundred’s 82 Heroes/Villains Drawn As Mr. Men.

This Buzz says, “Mr. Buzz? Years of Academy training wasted!!”

Buzz 081 – Giraffe Buzz Lightyear

In stark contrast to yesterday’s disturbing Joker Buzz, today we have this super cute Toy Giraffe dressed as Buzz Lightyear. I stole the toy from my son and build his suit from Crayola Air-Dry Clay and painted it up with Apple Barrel paints from Micheal’s. It was a fun little project.

This Buzz says, “I think the word your looking for is Space Giraffe!”

Buzz 079 – Sidewalk Chalk Buzz Lightyear

The kids were outside drawing on the driveway so I figured I’d get involved. This Buzz Lightyear is the result. If he’s not my best work it’s because I was having to keep a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy from walking all over it. I can’t do chalk drawings without thinking about Burt in Marry Poppins.

This Buzz says, “I wish they had a bigger driveway. I might have had arms and a torso.”

Once I started drawing, the kids wanted to be right next to me and do their own versions. Jenna did Jessie and J asked me to draw him a Woody… then he finished it in his own style. See them after the jump. Continue reading

Buzz 077 – Buzz Lightyear Leftovers

The idea for this Buzz Lightyear came out of no where as I was finishing my dinner Thursday evening. I didn’t even think it would be possible but pretty soon, I had what passed for a recognizable Buzz. My kids were impressed anyway.

This Buzz says, “You don’t need no Parmesan cause I got the cheese right here.”

Sponsor My Biggest Buzz Lightyear Project Yet!

**Update!!** We made goal! Thanks!!
Any extra donations are welcome… but will go toward other Buzz Projects.

I’ve got a huge idea… and you can help me pull it off!

Ever seen folks use Solo-style cups to spell out words on a chain-link fence? Imagine that taken to the next level. I want to purchase enough multi-colored cups to create a huge Buzz Lightyear.

Here’s a photoshop mock-up of what he’ll look like:

It’s going to take over 600 cups to create this masterpiece… and that’s where you come in.

Consider sponsoring a cup (or several cups) for 25 cents each. When I complete the project and post it on the site, I’ll list the names of everyone who gave in order of how many cups they sponsored.

So how about it? Can you spare a quarter (or more) for this cause?

Check back as I will update this post with the progress.

Cups Needed: 605
Cups Sponsored: 605
– 9:46pm 3/8/2011
Cups Remaining: 0!!


Flash Jervis
Michael Shannon
Monica Mason
Too Much Information Podcast
Obsessive Comics Disorder
Axe Cop! (Ethan Nichole)
David Godbout
John Stienklauber
Traci Haley
David Weyers
Jennifer O’Rourke
Brittany Parrish
Josh Kessie
Between Your Ears Podcast
Vanessa Perez
Michael Klein
Jennifer Kennison
Mat Pace
Patricia Sanchez
Jared Miller
Winnie Van de Broeck

Sponsor 1 Cup – .25


Sponsor 4 Cups – $1.00


Sponsor any number of cups – You choose.

Buzz 076 – Moleskine Notebook Buzz Lightyear

I’ve carried a Moleskine Notebook for a couple of years now. They’re great for putting down ideas and sketches and stuff. Here’s a drawing I did the other day. Nothing special I suppose… but the squiggly lines that surround Buzz is actually just one long line. Some people draw stars when they’re bored… I’ve always filled pages with these maze-like lines that are actually just one line.

This Buzz says, “So what.”