Yearly Archives: 2010

Buzz 012 – Tronized Buzz

The other day I saw that some art students had been given the task of “Tronizing” Disney characters. I was in awe of the whole lot but I was like, “Hey! They didn’t do Buzz… what a rip!” But then it hit me… they didn’t do Buzz! I get to do Buzz! So here he is. A little old school Tron mixed with a little new school tron.

This Buzz says, “Who needs 3d?”

Buzz 010 – Quake Buzz

Back in 1997 I was really into Quake. I loved to play it and create custom skins for it. I wasn’t the best skinner out there… but I enjoyed some notoriety in the community. I did several skins for Quake… my Elvis skin was requested for the Omicron Bot Project… one of the most popular bot addons in the day. But my first skin was what you see here… Good old Buzz Lightyear.

The original graphic is much smaller and didn’t have any green. I used colors that allowed the player to change what would be green into any color they wanted. So I modified this original a bit just to make it look right.

Note that I apparently never finished his backside.