Tag Archives: Buzz Collection

Buzz 198 – Chip Buzz

If you ask for French Fries in Ireland they’ll just look at you with a blank stare. You have to request Chips… and if you think you’re getting Potato Chips… then you’d be wrong. Those are called Crisps. You learn these things while on the pitch holding a spanner waiting for someone to move your groceries in a trolley.

This Buzz says, “Their Ketchup tastes like vinegar?”

Buzz 195 – Ireland Bedroom Buzz

This was done on my kid’s service notes on my first day in Ireland. My room was so simple, but so great. The sun was shining right through the window onto the bed. So not only is this a Buzz drawing, but a nod to the beauty in Ireland. It truly is the Emerald Isle.

This Buzz says, “When do I get to enjoy that pillow?”

Buzz 189 – Dunder Buzz

My three year old son (I call him Dunder) and I did this Buzz together. I held up the craft foam and he cut straight lines until we got the shape we wanted. I helped him with color selection and placement. He added the eyes, nose and smile. It was a lot of fun, and as an added bonus, his big sister was very impressed!

The best part was when Dunder noticed I was getting nervous holding the little bits of foam while he cut them. He said, “I not cut you Daddy.” Then after a successful cut with no blood he’d exclaim, “I no cut you Daddy!” Wait, you mean you didn’t believe what you were telling me? I put my faith in you three year old proclamation!

This Buzz says, “I look like I barely survived Death By Monkeys.”

Buzz 186 – Cube Buzz

<img src=”http://nlcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/block-buzz-angle-580×580.jpg”>I bought a perfectly square block of wood the other day at Hobby Lobby. I knew I wanted to make a Buzz out of it… but there were so many options. My first thought was to spin-off a child’s block. Maybe hand carve in the letter “B” on one end, then find symbols from the Toy Story movies to fill in the other sides… but that’s not Buzz. I also could have painted each side as a different view of his head or body. Top being the top of his head, bottom being the bottom of his feet… and I may still do that in a future post. But today I ended up kind of rapping him around the block. It’s hard to explain so I shot each side so you can see them all below.

This Buzz says, “This is the last time I play around with the trash compacter.”