Life Update – December 2013


I haven’t written a life update for quite a while. Probably because when you’re feeling better after an extended bout with crippling depression and anxiety you would rather be doing stuff you couldn’t do before rather than talking about it.

But that being said, I am doing better. So, so, so much better. Not all the way better… but closer to normal than I’ve been in quite a while.

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Christmas Stories That I Have Written And Illustrated

Between 2009 and 2011 I wrote three different Christmas stories for an annual Christmas Eve service.

The Very Last Room, by James Kennison

The first one, The Very Last Room was (and is) by far the most popular. It’s the Nativity story told from the viewpoint of a child in the family who happened to take the very last room in Bethlehem. The theme of the story is simple: Jesus must be welcomed into our lives. We must make room.


The Birthday Story, by James Kennison

The second story is another alternate perspective take on the Nativity. This time we’re hearing about Jesus’ very first birthday from Mary herself, as told from mother to her 6 year-old son. The Birthday Story is apparently an annual ritual that little Jesus looks forward to each year. It’s cute and has some humor but the end is bittersweet as Mary unknowingly refers to Jesus’ future Crucifixion, believing that he would be made a great King one day(as many did). The concept is based on Luke 2:19 where it is mentioned that Mary kept the things that happen to her little son close to her heart… as any mother would.

The Christmas Repair Service, by James Kennison

The third and last story I’ve written is what I’ll call a Christmas Fable. The story revolves around a young man with several bad attitudes that many children have around Christmas time. He is self-centered, jealous, angry, disobedient and has a lack of self-control. All of these attitudes lead to actions that threaten to not only ruin Christmas for Billy… but for his entire family. Thankfully The Christmas Repair Service shows up at the doorstep to save the day. With each repair one of Billy’s character flaws is also corrected. Children who hear this story will be reminded to put others first, parents make rules to protect us, and that we must let Jesus change us because you can’t fix yourself!

Though I have not published any of these stories, I have made them available via PDF and PowerPoint. Folks use them for Christmas Eve church services. High quality video downloads along with the PDF and PowerPoint are available on my Etsy page.

People have mentioned that I should get these published into books. This is not possible at this time due to the cost, but if anyone is interested in making something like that happen… feel free to contact me.

AT AT Imperial Walker Loft Bed

I’ve just finished designing what I hope will become a epic AT AT loft bed for the boy. I’ve seen of these online… but the design’s were either too simple, out of scale (skinny legs), or overly complex and awesome (aka expensive). This one is somewhere in between.


Firstly since it’s for a 5 year old young man I modeled it after the Galactic Heroes style Imperial Walker.


The Galactic Heroes version is a little chubbier with shorter legs and a fat head. Lends itself more to the size and shape of a child’s bed than the typical variety.

Here are some shots from various angles. I hope to have this thing built before February (the boy’s birthday), so stay tuned for updates.

Click the pics to make them bigger.


The outer skin is basically layers of MDF cut to various shapes.


The bed will be very sturdy. I built it first then added the decorations to be sure I wasn’t sacrificing safety for looks.


The backside shows the open side window and the entrance to the head area.





The head was just big enough to create a little crawl area. I’ll probably put in some plexiglass so he can see out through the “eyes”.


Speaking of eyes. Here’s a close up of the head. The guns will be simple PVC.


The back faces the back wall, no sense in adding a rear end to this thing. Plus it makes it super easy to get up and down that ladder.


Random top view.


Bottom view shows off the two beams that will keep the head secure.

Now we’ve just got to see if my wife will let me build it.


Buzz 259: I Made A Giant Minecraft Buzz Lightyear Sculpture

A while back I decided to attempt to make a large enough Buzz Lightyear shoe that I could add the tread detail on the bottom. Quickly the shoe turned into nearly an entire leg.


Last night I decided to finish this giant leg out with what turned out to be the biggest thing I’ve ever constructed in Minecraft.


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In Church, I Draw Buzz Lightyear

**Edit** I realized today that these should count toward my goal of 365 Buzz Artworks. I have added the proper numbering below.

Sketching has always been a way to help me pay attention when someone is speaking, training or teaching. Now that I’m on the receiving end of the Sunday Sermon I’ve found that sketching on the iPad is just what the doctor ordered. So every Sunday service usually results in a new Buzz Lightyear drawing.

Here are the latest.

Buzz 251: Dark and Mysterious Buzz


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Ready For Ministry? Maybe Not.


Recently I have dared to dream about the possibility of returning to ministry… maybe even ministry to children… but I have so many restrictions for what that return looks like that I know I am still not ready.

I recently have been very tempted to jump into an opportunity that has opened up. It would be a Sunday-only, volunteer position with a limited commitment of only a few months. It seems perfect for where I am right now. The desire to do it is new and makes me wonder if I will one day return to full-time ministry. I could imagine myself doing Sunday services with the kids… even at my worst Sunday services were never really a problem. It’s all the other mess that would probably revert me into being a basket case.  Continue reading