Tag Archives: space ranger

Buzz Lightyear Kite


So I have this kite. Probably cost $2. But it means a lot to me.

It was given to me by my bus driver. I say ‘my’ driver because back in 2000-2003 or so I was a “Bus Captain” in charge of a route picking up inner-city youth to attend the Waj’n War Youth Group. Some of the best memories of my life was during that time.

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Let’s Get A Few Things Straight About Buzz Lightyear


Do you like Buzz Lightyear? Check out over 259 pieces of Buzz Lightyear Fan Art I’ve done. See some of my Buzz Lightyear Collection!

I have some core beliefs about Buzz Lightyear that I would like to share with you. You may not agree with my views. You may find these views controversial, hateful, and possibly trivial, but they are the Truth. There is a real Buzz Lightyear and a false one.

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