Category Archives: Buzz Lightyear Fan Art

More Buzz Lightyear Reader Art

Here are a few more amazing examples of Buzz Lightyear fan art from our readers.

Renaissance Buzz Lightyear by Matthew Sargant

Great work Matt! Love the wings, the puffy shirt, those boots! Excellent.

White Board Buzz Lightyear by Chris

Does it make me weird if I really like his eyes? Nice touch on crosshatching the blue and red dry erase markers to make purple.

Buff Lightyear by Wallace

This was inked on paper, scanned and colored in Photoshop by my friend and co-worker Wallace Phare. I love that the muscles are so huge they literally take the place of the armor!

I’d love to feature your Buzz Lightyear fan art here…

Buzz 074 – French Fry Buzz Lightyear

Here before you is a Buzz Lightyear made from french fries… the healthy part of this balanced breakfast! This was actually an idea given to me by my 6 year-old daughter, Jenna. She was visiting family and did a portrait of her Uncle Tim using her french fries. She’s awesome. She actually does her own podcast for kids. Check it out.

This Buzz says, “Help me. Once he’s done with this photo he’s going to eat me!”

Buzz 073 – Color Blanks Buzz

I was shopping at Target for some Kit-Kat bars and ran into an end cap with these Color Blanks figures from RoseArt. Two of them come in a pack for just under 10 bucks. They reminded me of theĀ  Munny or Mighty Mugg figures… except a few bucks cheaper.

I bought one pack and a bunch of permanent markers and knocked this out Sunday afternoon. I highly suggest you go out and pick a pack up yourself and create something awesome!

This Buzz says, “I could have been shaped like a bird, a dog or have had a square head!”

Buzz 072 – ASCII Art Buzz Lightyear

I made this using Notepad and a keyboard… then Photoshop. I would have liked to have added the actual ASCII art… but apparently my theme adds css style formatting to the pre tag that makes that impossible. Boo.

If anyone knows a way, I would love to share the actual text. Be sure to click the image to make it bigger.

This Buzz says, “I would look better in Windows 3.0.”

Buzz 070 – Abstract Buzz

If I were you looking at this I’d be saying, “Looks like he’s running out of ideas already.” But I assure you that is not the case. I was inspired to do this abstract Buzz after seeing some Street Fighter Abstracts over at The idea behind the originals is that the characters were so regognizable that you’d know who they were even without any detail… just the colors. I wanted to see if I could do the same thing with Buzz Ligtheyar. So there you go. How did we do?

This Buzz says, “This is what I’d look like if De Stijl painted me. Thank God for Pixar!”