Tag Archives: kidmin

Ready For Ministry? Maybe Not.


Recently I have dared to dream about the possibility of returning to ministry… maybe even ministry to children… but I have so many restrictions for what that return looks like that I know I am still not ready.

I recently have been very tempted to jump into an opportunity that has opened up. It would be a Sunday-only, volunteer position with a limited commitment of only a few months. It seems perfect for where I am right now. The desire to do it is new and makes me wonder if I will one day return to full-time ministry. I could imagine myself doing Sunday services with the kids… even at my worst Sunday services were never really a problem. It’s all the other mess that would probably revert me into being a basket case.  Continue reading

Share Your Funny, Embarrassing, Horrific Kidmin Stories For Our Next Episode

Ever had an object lesson blow up in your face? Or fall flat? Ever had a child barf right at the wrong time? What about those parents who’s kids do no wrong and the excuses they give? We’ve all got a story to tell.

I’m sure you’ve never had anything at all ever in the world go wrong in your only slightly less than perfect experience in ministry to children… but I’d still like to see if there is anyone else out there who has had wonderfully horrible things happen at the worst possible times.

I’d like the next episode of Help! I’m A Children’s Pastor to give you an audience!

Not only will we laugh our faces off, I’ll bet we’ll each find something we can relate to as well. So email, record or call in your best (or worst) story. Try to keep it as short as you can, but don’t sacrifice the content.

Send your stories via email, phone or audio:

helpimacp@gmail.com or call 209-5NLCast

Got a Kidmin personality you’d like to hear from? Let them know! Shoot um a link!

Looking forward to this. Thanks for your support.