Even this Buzz is just a bit of the hand and forearm, I’m still counting it. My daughter broke her arm a month ago and got her short-cast today. She let me draw on it. Then she let me paint on it! I used acrylic paint and sealed it with spray gloss. You should have seen us in the dark on the backporch, me spraying my daughter’s arm with clear coat. One of our neighbors walked up the steps while we were out there. I can’t imagine what he must have thought.
While working on this I got an idea for a possible project in two parts. First, become a cast painter. People would pay me to paint their kid’s cast! Second, to go to the local children’s hospital and offer my services for free in special cases as deemed by the hospital. We’ll see if I actually follow through with this idea. Doubtful, but fun to think about.
Next time she breaks her arm I’m going to make her get a white cast.
I’ve been wanting to make a Buzz Lightyear clock for years. I bought the wood and clock movement 3+ years ago and just never got to it. Finally the stars aligned and I pulled out the materials and got to work. My original plan for years was to mimic the swinging leg type of clock like the Elvis clock I had back in the day. Continue reading →
I never planned on making a Buzz Lightyear Nutcracker Doll. I was in Hobby Lobby, a local craft store, and saw some wooden Nutcracker blanks and thought, I wonder if I can paint that to look like a Buzz Lightyear? I took some pictures and decided to figure that out when I got home. Continue reading →
I have written and illustrated three Christmas stories that are perfect for Pastors, Ministers, Teachers, or Administrators who need a multimedia Christmas story to tell for a class, service, ceremony, gathering or assembly. I wrote them for use during my church’s annual candlelight and communion service.
These stories are available for $20-25 each. You’ll receive a zip file containing a PDF of the story text, a PowerPoint presentation containing all of the illustrations, and individual jpg image files of each slide (in case you don’t do PowerPoint).
The Very Last Room
What would you do if your family had taken the very last room in Bethlehem… just before Mary & Joseph arrived? This story follows a young boy and his family on their way to Bethlehem to be taxed. They end up taking the very last room available in the city forcing Mary and Joseph to take the stable out back. You’ll love how this story comes together and the strong evangelistic message it shares. The story is fully illustrated and stylized to fit the time period, but with a modern twist.
The Birthday Story
“The Birthday Story” is the Nativity Christmas Story as told by Mary to her young son, Jesus. Based on Luke 2:19 (“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart”) The story comes from the perspective of Mary recalling the events that led to her son Jesus’ birth day.
The audience thinks they’re hearing a modern day story… until various details reveal that this is a retelling of the Nativity from a different perspective. Children and adults will enjoy hearing about the trials of making a journey to Bethlehem on a donkey with a child on the way… and the hope a mother has for her son, the Messiah. Helps all ages remember that Jesus’ birth was real… and so is our reason for celebrating Jesus, not only on Christmas, but every day of the year.
The Christmas Repair Service
A magical Christian Christmas parable that will help children with selfishness, anger, obedience and the reason we celebrate Christ’s birth in the first place. Told with a bit of magic and a lot of fun. Every child will go away realizing that our beliefs should affect our actions… and that we need Christ to change our hearts because we can’t fix ourselves.
I drew this the other night with my finger and my iPad while suffering a depressive episode. I wasn’t drawing him to look like I felt… but the scribble style, yes, that’s how I felt.
Every podcast is divided into segments. Even the hip shows that don’t do intros and just dive into the interview, dialog or conversation have them even if it’s just one or two. A lot of new podcasters fight segmenting their show. They are concerned that it will stifle their creativity or limit the scope of their potential topics. In the same way blinders limit a horses’ vision to help him focus on the road ahead, segments help you to instantly know what content you need created each week as determined by your topic. Continue reading →