Category Archives: Blog

Sponsor My Biggest Buzz Lightyear Project Yet!

**Update!!** We made goal! Thanks!!
Any extra donations are welcome… but will go toward other Buzz Projects.

I’ve got a huge idea… and you can help me pull it off!

Ever seen folks use Solo-style cups to spell out words on a chain-link fence? Imagine that taken to the next level. I want to purchase enough multi-colored cups to create a huge Buzz Lightyear.

Here’s a photoshop mock-up of what he’ll look like:

It’s going to take over 600 cups to create this masterpiece… and that’s where you come in.

Consider sponsoring a cup (or several cups) for 25 cents each. When I complete the project and post it on the site, I’ll list the names of everyone who gave in order of how many cups they sponsored.

So how about it? Can you spare a quarter (or more) for this cause?

Check back as I will update this post with the progress.

Cups Needed: 605
Cups Sponsored: 605
– 9:46pm 3/8/2011
Cups Remaining: 0!!


Flash Jervis
Michael Shannon
Monica Mason
Too Much Information Podcast
Obsessive Comics Disorder
Axe Cop! (Ethan Nichole)
David Godbout
John Stienklauber
Traci Haley
David Weyers
Jennifer O’Rourke
Brittany Parrish
Josh Kessie
Between Your Ears Podcast
Vanessa Perez
Michael Klein
Jennifer Kennison
Mat Pace
Patricia Sanchez
Jared Miller
Winnie Van de Broeck

Sponsor 1 Cup – .25


Sponsor 4 Cups – $1.00


Sponsor any number of cups – You choose.

Cool Buzz Crap

Here are some images and links to some amazing Buzz Lightyear stuff I’ve found recently.

Got some of your own crap to share? Shoot me an email!

A-Data T006 Buzz Lightyear USB Flash Drive

I really want to get one of these USB drives. They’re currently out of the 4GIG size which is all I can afford at the moment.

Chogokin Buzz Lightyear from Bandai

This figure is amazing. It comes with several different faces to change expressions and different hands for poses. It’s like #120 US though.

Real Life Buzz Lightyear

If you haven’t seen this yet… you’re in for a treat… and you’re slow.

Buzz Lightyear Carrot

Apparently a guy named Clive Williams pulled this out of his garden.

This moron changed his name to Buzz Lightyear

I like Buzz and all, but dang. Maybe I’d change my first name to “Buzz”… but the whole thing?

Nike Buzz Lightyear Kicks

If they made these in Adult sizes, I’d own them in a minute. Would I ever wear them? Nope! They’d be on display in my office for the rest of my life.

How Can I Get Volunteers From A Small Congregation

One of our listeners, Gordon, recently sent in the following question:

“I was wondering if you have any ideas that could help get volunteers out of a small congregation (80-100) to help out consistently.”

I wanted to share my response with the rest of you.

Getting your pastor on board is the biggest thing. If it is his passion to get volunteers, it’ll become the church’s passion to provide them.

Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. God loves these kids more than you do… put it to him! If he wants these kids properly ministered too… then he’ll have to provide the help!

Remember to be faithful with what you have. It’s easy to get bitter and angry with parents, choir members, pew sitters and the like. They’re all too easy to get angry at when you’re stressed but God has promised that if we’re faithful over little that he’ll make us masters over much. Complaining or bitterness will ruin it so don’t grow weary in your well doing!

The right people are worth waiting for. We can be tempted to fill the positions we have with whoever we can find to fill them. But I don’t want bodies … I want hearts. I want people that God has called. People God has called don’t quit after 2 weeks. They don’t leave you hanging. You don’t have to wonder if they’ll show up this week. AND… the only thing worse than having no workers is having the wrong workers. Ministry is not dealing with drama, gossip and issues with your workers… it’s what you do when that stuff isn’t an issue. While you wait for the right people, just trust that God is perfecting them, preparing them for the day they will serve with you in HIS ministry.

Cheap and Simple “Usher” Offering Machine

For a while now I’ve wanted to create my own Vacuum-based offering machine… ever since I saw them pop up on The only thing that kept me from making my own was the doubt that I could find the right materials and be able to cobble them together in a way that would be air tight and still look presentable.

The idea is that you can increase your kids ministry offering by having the kids trade their coins for rubber bounce balls. Then at offering time they come forward and the offering machine sucks up the balls. The machine has a clear tank so the kids see their offering go inside. Fun right? Yes!
Continue reading

A Real Love Calculator

Remember those quizzes in the teen magazines? Now we have fancy Facebook apps and random Google Ads promising to tell us what type of lover we and if we’re compatible at all. We don’t really need a love meter, a quiz or even a love calculator to find out if you’re really in love… just ask yourself the following questions based on a wonderful definition of love from 1 Corinthians 13.

1. Are you patient with your partner?

2. Are you kind to them?

3. Do you envy anything about them?

4. Do you put them down to build yourself up?

5. Do you put them first in everything… or just yourself?

6. Do you find yourself getting very angry with them at a moments notice?

7. Do you keep a record of things they’ve done wrong to you in your mind?

8. Do you enjoy it when they suffer?

9. Would you do anything to keep them safe?

10. Do you trust them completely? Or do you have your doubts about their faithfulness?

11. Looking into the future, do you see great things ahead or just a bunch of drama?

12. Are both of you the type to keep loving one another even when things are the greatest in your relationship or life?

Now that you’ve answered these questions… put your name in the following blanks and see if this statement feels true in your life.

(Name) is patient. (Name) is kind. (Name) does not envy. (Name) does not boast or brag. (Name) is not stuck on him/herself. (Name) is not rude. (Name) is not self-centered or self-seeking. (Name) is not easily angered. (Name) keeps no record of wrongs. (Name) does not enjoy the suffering of others. (Name) is comfortable with the truth. (Name) will protect, hope for, and stick with those he/she loves.

Now that is a love quiz.

How did you do? What, if anything, was challenging to you? Post your thoughts in the comments.

Build A Super Simple Puppet Stand

I was going through my very own storage area and happened upon some old puppets. I realized they were standing up on their own which was odd. It turned out they were being supported by toilet plungers! Genius!

So if you need a super simple, super cheap option for keeping your puppets vertical and clean, go pick up a cheap toilet plunger!

Audit Your Child’s Spiritual Life

If you are a person of faith, you are tasked by God Himself to be the primary spiritual leader for your children. You are the one who should have the most influence, the most input,  and the highest level of concern over where they are spiritually.

There is a trend that I see today in our families. Parents are more concerned about their child’s behavior than their character. They’re more involved in their child’s sports than they are their Sunday School. They’re more worried about academics than their basic Biblical understanding.

I’ve seen it dozens of times in my 10+ years of ministry. Parents who brush off church services for sporting events. Then when child grows into a teen and loses all interest in Church and a relationship with God they come to me wondering what went wrong. I’ve never had a parent who prioritized their child’s spiritual upbringing come running, eyes wide with fear.

“Exercise is good for your body, but religion helps you in every way. It promises life now and forever.” These words are worthwhile and should not be forgotten.
1 Timothy 4:8-9 (Contemporary English Version)

I’m not saying that we need to quit caring about these things… I’m just arguing that we need to care about spiritual things more… and most. Our enemy doesn’t care if your kid is smart, athletic or talented. He can make use of any of that… but if your child becomes smart and spiritual, athletic and Godly, talented and discipled… that’s a threat.

My advice? Do an audit of your child’s spiritual life. Have you met their Sunday School teachers? Do you know their minister? If they go to a Christian school or daycare have you met the Chaplin? Have you ever sat through a class? Requested a copy of their policies and procedures? Do you know what they’re teaching?

Your child’s spiritual upbringing is your responsibility. It’s not like ballet or soccer… we can’t trust someone else to teach it to them. And we can’t take for granted that they’re getting what they need outside our home.

Your feedback and comments are welcome.

When Do You Start Service Prep?

I’ve been trying to start children’s church service preparation on Mondays. We have staff most of the morning and then a late lunch. By the time I get my workday started there isn’t much time left so I’ve been cracking open the curriculum and attempting to put my service together and done.

This has been working very well. First, I’m accomplishing something on a day that that otherwise wouldn’t allow me to. It allows me plenty of time to collect props, object lessons and recruit actors and even give away parts of the sermon to up-and-coming future children’s pastors in my volunteer staff. It also frees up the entire rest of your week to focus on other non-service stuff like policy, organization, brochures and (God forbid) planning.

I highly suggest doing service prep as early in the week as possible. It’s a little tough to want to jump into the next week just after getting done with a Sunday… but the payoff is worth it. The only negative I’ve found, if it can even be called negative, is that I find that I’ve got to add a couple of review times to my week so that I can keep the content fresh in my mind. The balance of it is that I’m giving more thought to the topic and scriptures over all then when I started on Thursday.

When do you do service prep? Do you have any tips to share? Add them to the comments!

Ever Had A “Full Moon Sunday”?

Have you ever had a “Full Moon Sunday”? That’s what I call those Sunday morning services where everything should have gone perfectly… but for some random reason the kids are totally wound up. You feel like every bit of your preparation was pointless. And for me it always seems to be a service topic that I really thought would otherwise have made a huge impact. We’re not talking about a few kids causing problems. It’s more of a general restless din of noise and movement. It’s most frustrating because since it’s everyone and it’s nothing you can exactly put your finger on it’s all but impossible to change the behavior. Short of putting the entire group in time-out or marching them all in to their parents you just have to put your head down and just charge through. It’ll be 1pm soon.

I call these happenings “Full-Moon Sundays” because I’ve had friends who are nurses tell me that every full moon all kinds of crazy things start going down at the hospitals. Tons of extra babies are born and lots or weird injuries come walking into the emergency rooms. There seems to be no other explanation other than the phase of the moon. So when I have a weird Sunday where everything goes right but the kids, I have to blame something… so I blame the moon. I know the moon has no inherent power. I know it’s not really its fault. But it gets the blame anyway. As Milli Vanilli once said, “You gotta blame it on something”.

I don’t know that I have any advice or tips for this particular situation. I mostly just want to know if anyone else experiences this and if you do that you’re not alone. Here are a few thoughts on Full-Moon Sundays.

1. Don’t take it personally. If you were properly prepared you can’t blame yourself.

2. Don’t change anything. You’ll be tempted to rewrite policy or at very least change your program. Don’t ever make a permanent decision to fix a temporary problem.

3. Put your head  down and charge through. Honestly, I believe the more potential your service has to change a life, the more your enemy will attempt to cause problems in your service. So don’t quit! Keep speaking, keep following that schedule! Sure, be open to what God may want to do, but don’t make a change based on how you feel in the moment.

Am I the only one who has “Full-Moon Sundays”? Maybe so. Either way I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Both your experiences and tips for dealing and getting through are welcomed.

5 Things I’m Doing To Help My Wife More

I’m learning more and more that the key to a happy home is a happy wife. The key to a happy wife is making her feel appreciated and keeping her from feeling overwhelmed. The key to both of those is to  help her. It’s basic I know… but like so many things with relationships, it’s not knowing what to do, it’s buckling down and just doing it.

I’ve always figured that if my wife needed my help that she would ask. But she’s the type that things she should be able to handle it all on her own. She’s not good at asking. So these are things that I’ve just started to do on my own. I just made a list of tasks that seemed to drain her the most and took ownership of them. These aren’t things she’s asked me to do… they’re things I added myself and just let her know. She didn’t complain.

Here are a list of 5 things I’ve added to my Husband Portfolio that are really working wonders in my home.

1. I’ve started putting the kids to bed every night. We used to trade nights… now it’s my responsibility.

2. Bathing the kids… it’s my job now.

3. Cleaning the kitchen and doing dishes after dinner? My job now.

4. I must find and complete 5 tasks that help her around the house every evening after work.

5. I’ve secured a babysitter every other Thursday night so I can take her out to dinner.

She literally told me the other night, “You’re coming as close as you ever have to being the perfect husband”. I still have a bit to go I suppose. 🙂

Husbands, I put it to you. What things could you be doing (or are doing) to keep your wife happy, healthy and appreciated? Share your ideas in the comments so that we may all gain strength from your great wisdom!