I figured I’d do my little Pixel’d Buzz (Buzz 247) as a giant Minecraft sculpture. Two dimensional this time.
Enjoy some pics. Click to make them big.
Get ready to rock your socks off. Hardore Hard Rock at it’s best!
A while back I decided to attempt to make a large enough Buzz Lightyear shoe that I could add the tread detail on the bottom. Quickly the shoe turned into nearly an entire leg.
Last night I decided to finish this giant leg out with what turned out to be the biggest thing I’ve ever constructed in Minecraft.
Camera 360
If this Buzz-a-day Project has taught me anything… it’s that I am not a sculptor.
This Buzz says, “The worst part is he only really finished my front side.” or “Can you tell my nose came off?”
I carved this with an X-Acto knife and one of my kid’s crayons. I was inspired by the Crayon Totem Sculptures by Diem Chau. Hers are a lot better than mine… but it turned out better than I thought it would. If I ever did it again I’d like to have a good magnifying glass and some smaller tools.
This Buzz says, “I resemble a Jack-in-the-Box… and Beyond!”