Tag Archives: banksy

Buzz 193 – Stencil Buzz

Today’s Buzz started as a carved pumpkin from Disney World. I redrew it, modified it, printed it out, traced it onto card stock and then cut it out. I grabbed a can of spray paint and started looking around for something to tag. My wife noticed the look in my eyes and started following me around the house. I asked if I could tag the washing machine. She said no. She did let me tag the garage wall, which you see above. Turned out pretty cool… so I grabbed my laptop (dubbed the “Crappy Lappy”) and tagged it as well.


Here’s the stencil I used.

This Buzz says, “I’m all underground like Banksy!”

Just FYI the next 10 Buzz updates will be from foreign shores. I’m headed out to Ireland to do a Christian kid’s camp. I’ve been told that I will have internet access so the updates should continue as normal. But even if they don’t you can trust that I will still be creating daily Buzzes (from the Emerald Isle) and will be posting them upon my return. Peace!