I hate resolutions as a concept. Mostly because I associate the word with something I will almost instantly not accomplish as soon as possible. I prefer setting goals. Where resolutions demand perfection from the moment you make them, goals only demand a first step in the right direction. Goals don’t mind if you struggle to reach them. Resolutions mock you the moment you stray.
Speaking of goals, these are the three that God is pressing on me this year. Maybe you’ll find that He’s calling you to something similar.
1. Deepen Your Connection With God
I think ministers struggle with this more than they care to admit. Our lives are spent serving God, studying the Bible, thinking about His will. But how many times are we actually just doing our job, reading enough scripture to create a sermon, and praying just enough to get by. My goal this year is to stop treating God as a power source (though he is that and thank God he is) and get to know Him as the God that knew me before ministry. The God who loved James when there was nothing to love. I need to connect with God even when I don’t need to connect. Does that make sense?
2. Connect With Your Church
I’ve been at my new position for 2 years (last November) and though I totally love my church, my leadership, my ministry and fellow ministers… I don’t get to spend a lot of time mixing and mingling with my fellow church people. I only get one Sunday a month to visit “big church” and regular Sundays most folks have left by the time I’m free. It’s easy for folks who work in Children’s Ministry to get disconnected from the rest of the church (and I theorize that some of us actually like Children’s Ministry for that reason), but this year I’m going to work hard to reverse that trend in my life. The extra church events that aren’t mine, I need to go! Regular Sundays? I need to find a way to be able to greet my parents and others before they slip out of the door. I need to be on a first name basis with folks who have no connection to my ministry at all. I need to see people in my church outside of the context of “how can I use them” and more like “how can I matter to them”.
3. Connect With Your Families
Speaking of mattering. I really want to matter to families this year. When a child struggles with math, parents contact the teacher for help and support. I want to be the pastor my parent’s call when their child is struggling spiritually. We become that kind of pastor when we open communication channels, show that we care and prove that we’re worthy of trust. It also helps if people see our own children are well behaved and spiritually balanced. I have good kids, I care about the families in my ministry, I just need to work harder on proving myself and opening the access doors via relationships and communication.
Do any of these goals challenge you? What goals are God challenging you with? Leave your comments below. You pray for me and I’ll pray for you!