Yearly Archives: 2008

Memory Verses in Service

Scripture ManHow do you use the typical Memory Verse in your service? Do you use a Scripture Puppet? Memory Games? I’m interested because I’m calling into question everything I’ve ever learned about using a Memory Verse in a Children’s Church service.

Though I can get them to regurgitate the verse moments after they’ve repeated it with a puppet character 5 times, kids are not going to remember the verse a 5 minutes later. I feel like I’m using short-term memory techniques to teach long-term memorization. It doesn’t work in this setting.

From working with my own 3 year old daughter I’ve learned that kids will remember defined key words, definitions and concepts long-term using these same techniques. I’m in the process of reworking this segment in my own service. I still want it to be an entertaining and funny segment but I also to know that they have learned something.

I’m going to focus on the point of the verse rather than the English of the verse.

Your thoughts?

How To Get Your Podcast Online

Get Your Podcast Online

“Should I keep my podcast files on my website?”

“How do I create a ‘feed’?”

“How can I upload my podcast to iTunes?”

These are questions I get asked a lot in both the NLCast Forums and via email. I thought I’d write an article that I can direct people to later. This article assumes you’ve already got a nice little mp3 file complete with id3 tags, album art and all. If you need pointers on recording your show, read How I Podcast.

So you’ve gone and recorded yourself a podcast. Good for you! Really! Now you know how much work they are. But how do you get this mp3 online for folks to start downloading? How do you generate a feed? How can you get this sucker on iTunes? Well, this may not be THE way to do it. But this is how I did.
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Geek Loves Nerd Theme Song Lyrics

SOG Nothes writes:

Hello Geek <3’s Nerd,
First, GREAT show that you do!
Pastor Kennison, I really like the song that you sing at the beginning of the show. However, I am having a hard time understanding the words, at times. Could you send them to me?
Thank you in advance.
SOG Nothes

Thanks for writing… here goes:

GLN Theme Song

Geek loves nerd, Nerd loves geek
At least she did late last week.
I haven’t asked lately because
She’s still living here and that’s more than I deserve.

She has a gold band I gave her on her left ring finger
And so do I and that’s enough I figure.
At least she hasn’t figured out I stink.
We don’t have much in common, just our kids and our address.
But we get along find and that’s what I’m impressed with.
So join us for our podcast every week.

Geek loves nerd… yeah!