Tag Archives: crayon

Buzz 108 – Crayon Buzz

I drew this Buzz tonight after a children’s church service. Pretty dull story… until…

I was talking to someone and had turned away for just a moment. After a few seconds I realized that my son was repeating the sentence, “Daddy! Ha ha!” over and over. I looked… and he had drawn a dark gray squiggle on my unfinished work.

“Daddy! Ha ha!” Little punk.

Buzz 095 – Crayon Carving Buzz

I carved this with an X-Acto knife and one of my kid’s crayons. I was inspired by the Crayon Totem Sculptures by Diem Chau. Hers are a lot better than mine… but it turned out better than I thought it would. If I ever did it again I’d like to have a good magnifying glass and some smaller tools.

This Buzz says, “I resemble a Jack-in-the-Box… and Beyond!”