
I was just sitting there in service wondering what to draw and Elizabeth says, “you should do a Bumblebee Buzz”. I knew what she meant and started right away.

This Buzz says, “Infinity is the right of all sentient beings.”

Updated Major Spoiler Theme Song

Years ago I was invited to participate in a contest to create a theme song for the Major Spoilers podcast. I won that contest and had my song featured on every podcast they produced for the next couple of years. The other week a listener to that show requested a chord chart for the guitar so they could play it themselves. this renewed interest in the song prompted me to remake it using my iPad and the Garageband app. Enjoy!

And if your into comic books and trades check out Major Spoilers. It’s the best show of it’s kind! (RSS | iTunes)

Major Spoiler by James Kennison (mp3 download)

The requested Chord Chart.

Buzz 244 – Dead Buzz Lightyear Sketch


Before I put crafted Buzz 242 in his little coffin I wanted to have a visual while I formed him from the poly clay. This is that sketch. Though this sketch served it’s purpose well, I love how differently the final product turned out. Poly clay lends itself to a more ’round’ look. It makes this sketch seem even more dark and gothic than some have said Coffin Buzz was.

Post-it Note Art

We’ve been doing a 9-week series at my kid’s church called “Post-it Notes from God“. We’re using the theme to help kids hear messages from the Bible as if God were writing them a Post-it. Examples are “You Matter”, “I Have A Plan For You”, “Slow Down” and “Take Out The Trash”. It’s been a blast. Each week I’ve tried to take it to the next level by revealing a piece of Post-it Note art live during the service. It’s always a surprise and so far have all been well received. We just finished week 5 of the series and it’s been fun watching the pieces slowly take over the stage and set.

After the 9-week series is over we’ll be giving them away to children who can say the 66 books of the Persistent Bible. So far my daughter and one other young man have met that challenge and will get first and second pick! They decided to wait till the end before deciding in case I make something they like even more.

First in the series was (of course) Buzz Lightyear. He’ll be a properly listed Buzz eventually. I just need to get a better picture of him.

Week three was a little Hello Kitty.

Even Nathan my sound man has gotten into the action. He’s surprised me with a Creeper Face and a recreation of my 8-bit Character Icon that I recently set as my Facebook and Twitter profile pic. You can see the kids have had unlimited access to pads of post-its as well and have had a grand time every week trying to make anything and everything they can think of.

I’ll have to go and take some photos of the ones I’m missing. Stay tuned!

Buzz 243 – Scratchboard Art Buzz Lightyear

He seems like he’s thinking deep, meaningful and downright contemplative thoughts here. This Buzz happened when the kids got a mess of scratchboards from their Mother on a “no tv day” and I asked if I could do one too. J, my four-year-old son said it was “Awesome!”. So that’s something.

This Buzz says, “I don’t always allow my image to be inscribed into scratchboard… but when I do, that scratchboard is hippy rainbow colored.”